The retirement community called Hearthside provides a safe place for seniors to find community with gardens, bouchée ball, community events and meals, transportation to local shopping. More advanced medical services are also available. Hearthside is meant to feel more like home than a nursing home, even though it offers services commonly found at nursing homes. Developers needed a visual brand that reflected this nurturing active senior community.

One the brand marks were created to reflect the character of the community, an introductory brochure was needed to advertise the space yet customize the information that will vary from location to location such as floor plans, proximity of amenities, local attractions, and maps. This customizable introductory kit provides high-level information that any prospective resident would need.

SERVICE: Visual Identity, Print Design, Web Design, Environment Signage
ROLE: Art Director, Identity + Print Designer / CREATIVE DIRECTOR: Benj Miller / AGENCY: eyespeak
CLIENT: NorSouth